What is Reiki?

REIKI is a Japanese word for Universal Life Force Energy.  Reiki is an ancient system that can be experienced by either “hands on” or by distance (remote) healing.  The Reiki treatment encourages physical mental and emotional healing and spiritual growth.

This unique gift of healing is learned by a process of attunements or initiations.  A person who has been attuned to Reiki has experienced a very ancient technology for fine tuning the physical and etheric bodies to a higher vibrational level.  Also, the energy centres, the chakras, are opened to enable the person to channel higher amounts of the Reiki energy.

Reiki is non-invasive, can be given to a person lying down or seated. The participant remains fully clothed but may remove their shoes for comfort. The Reiki energy is drawn through the practitioner, and the recipient’s body will draw the energy to those parts of their body that require it, the practitioner also being treated as he or she gives the treatment.  Energy enters through the practitioner’s crown chakra and passes through the upper chakras to their heart and solar plexus chakras and passes out through the arms and hands to the recipient.  The process does not drain the practitioner as the Reiki passes through a purified channel that is opened by the attunements. 

Reiki is not a religion, or a belief system, as it holds no creed or doctrine.  Reiki will work whether you believe in it or not!

Reiki not only works on the physical level; it can relieve pain, help to regenerate organs and tissue, but also Reiki loosens blocked energy, promotes total relaxation, and works on the mental and emotional levels re-establishing mental well-being and spiritual equilibrium.

Reiki is a transformational tool to help development of higher levels of consciousness and spiritual awareness.  It awakens the inner self to know that it is part of all creation.

Ways that Reiki Can help you through receiving Reiki treatments

  • Help you to relax when you feel stressed.
  • Centre you when you feel scattered
  • Energise you when you feel drained
  • Calm you when you feel afraid
  • Focus your mind and help you to find solutions to problems
  • Relieve pain
  • Accelerate healing of wounds/injuries/infections
  • Improve health, gradually clearing up old illnesses
  • Prevent development of disease
  • Help you release emotional wounds, limiting attitudes and fears and damaging behaviour patterns
  • Show you new possibilities and support you in making changes.

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